Né à La Réunion en 1972, Lionel Lauret est diplômé de l’École des arts décoratifs de Strasbourg, France. 

Ses supports et ses pratiques sont divers : peinture, dessin, installation vidéo protéiforme, scénographie, design. 

Son lexique est mythologique, poétique, onirique. Sa syntaxe est optique, technique, électronique .

Son oeuvre est le long poème, amoureux et inquiet, de nos doutes et nos excès.


On rentre facilement dans son univers plastique, techno-tendre et hétéroclite : Son souci, urgent et pragmatique, est d’offrir à une humanité fragmentée des moments partagés et des lieux propices aux rencontres singulières.


Born in Reunion Island in 1972. Graduated at the College of Decorative Arts of Strasbourg, France.

In the art of Lionel Lauret , science and innocence are combined in equal proportions and one can feel undeniable tenderness for the figures 

that dwell in him. He reveals families and leads us into a playful universe that is often interactive and metaphorical and that bears his look on his time. His paint work is most of the time performed in large format.

Of primitive inspiration, his characters catalyse emotions, desires, confrontations of humans and gods, and thus lead us to question ourselves about the emotional and passionate relationships of his fellow Earthmen.

His installations are privileged meeting places where magic and imagination, the inclination for play, dream and poetry intermingle.